
Youtube.  I can't help to wonder why some of the dumbest stuff I have ever seen in my life gets over a million hits on Youtube.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan for sure.  But come on!  Some of those people should be ashamed.  Guess that's why they get the million hits.  ;-)

Scumbags.  I have found that some people will do the exact opposite of what they believe to be "the right thing to do" on purpose.  Just because they can.  So they can feel like they have some kind of control over something.  But that's okay.  When Jesus comes back, they can explain it all to him and I'm sure he'll know what to do with them.  I would like to hear why some people would feel the need to serve a dedicated Jew some pork.  What's it to them?  Why do they have to be that way?  Or kick the cane out from an old guy.  Come on!  You know the people I'm talking about.  They start out as that punk on the school yard bullying out kiddies from their lunch money.  Or the reverse:  ones who are suppose to be the "do gooders,"  when in fact all they really want to do--and really do when they think no one is looking--is evil.  You know, you let it slip (or some loud mouth that knows you does) that you are afraid of something, so these yoohoos do everything possible to make sure you experience it.  All the while with a smile on their face and sometimes even going as far as to say, "I love you."  What lies!!!! I know it's all just some spirit making them that way.  But I don't have to like them.  I only go around some of them so as to not offend others.  It's the downside of the holidays for me. 

I think people who do things like the above mentioned things are weaklings.  They don't have what it takes to be "a good person."  It's hard work.  It takes patience.  It takes love. (Something they have no clue what it really is!!)  It takes understanding.  It takes a willingness to learn.  It takes obedience.  It takes character.  It takes a sense of humor.  It takes humility.   It takes initiative.  It takes leadership.  It takes tact.  It takes selflessness.  (It's not all about you after all, honey!) It takes a relationship with God.  It takes humbleness.  And above all, it takes a lot of prayer and servitude.  It takes honor and dignity too., Because if you don't care enough about your soul to push it to Hell, what good are ya?

It's all in who you know.  I hate it in small towns where the job market is scarce to non-existent.  I live in one such town.  And to tell you the truth, if it wasn't for my husband, I don't know how we would have survived.  Around here, you either know someone who likes you enough to give you a job or you are jobless. Even the burger flipping houses give you a snub nose unless you got some pull somewhere or got great looks.  Now, I use to be able to pull off the good looks part.  But some people just haven't got a chance to start with. I feel sorry for them.  And getting a job shouldn't be so dang hard when there's people out there who down right hate their job.  You know who they are, that witch of a clerk at the convenient store down the block.  Or that punk at the Taco Bell drive through.  (Just an example, I love our Taco Bell drive through guys.  They crack me up better than anyone else I know.)  Or how about that stupid store manager who lets all those nitwits away with not doing their job.  Up-teen times you have seen the same stupid little girl mess up your order at the checkout just because you had coupons.  Oh and how unprofessional is it to hear a manager say "well, I don't know."  Well, you are suppose to know dumbass!!!  Not the flipping workers under you.  YOU are suppose to know everything going on at that place of business if you are a manager.  All those people, you can tell, got that job because they knew someone who gave it to them.  While someone else, who would be great for the job, is standing in the unemployment line because they didn't know billy bob whoever it is.

I have relatives in other parts of the country who have given me offers it was very hard to refuse.  Offers to start up a business.  Offers to run major companies.  Offers for my husband.  Offers for my daughters.  But we don't want to live in those places.  Here is home.  For now.  But more and more, I am coming to wish to leave this stink hole and be more successful somewhere else.

Socially lacking.  Because we don't go to the local country club to golf, we aren't members.  And because we aren't members, we miss out on some of the fun stuff like the New Year's Ball.  I would love to go golfing.  I would love to go the New Year's Ball.  And the Christmas party.   And the Halloween party.  (I already have a costume for this year.  Venus.  And my husband is to be Cesar.)  But we don't do these things because my husband doesn't want to put us in a position where others are making passes at us....possibly causing a fight later on.  (It only causes a fight if one of us flirts back, though.  Really, is  it that hard to not do it?)  So we're stuck at home for Halloween because most churches don't do anything for it or down right revolt against it and we don't know enough fun people to invite us to their party.  The ones that do, we don't really like.  We are just trying to be nice when we speak to them but they don't get the hint.  We hand out candy.  (I make it as fun as I can with the costumes and music.  I don't like the horror movies at all.)  Thanksgiving and Christmas we spend with our families at various parties.  (It's my favorite time of the year.  I love Thanksgiving and Christmas!)  So, because we don't go to any parties do get invited to, such as employer parties, we don't have the networks available to us to do much else.  Such as get a better job.  Or help our kids get better jobs.

Horror movies.  Why do we have these?  They are awful.  Really, who wants to see people killed all the time?  And in such a graphic way?  What, the news is  not horrible enough for you?  You have to add in all the graphic details and story lines?  Hollywood tries to best itself every year with more and more horror films that disturb the already disturbed and give a few of them terrible ideas.  They not only give them the idea but the know how to destroy living beings, possibly even themselves.  It would only be poetic justice if the writers had to live out their "works of art."  Frankly, I could do without them altogether.  They serve only wicked purposes.  Now, if they had the moral of the story that "it doesn't pay to be bad" in them, I would probably watch more of them.  Well, that's not true.  But I wouldn't be so against them anymore. The problem with-okay, one of the problems with- these kinds of movies is they come up with  indestructible villains.   I don't want to think there are people/things like that out there.  How do these people sleep at night?  I want to go to bed thinking tomorrow wont suck as bad as today.  I want to go to bed thinking tomorrow will be great.  I don't want nightmares to disturb my already shaky nights.  Give me a dream where I win the jackpot  to the Powerball lottery.   I don't understand why these things have been so popular. I really don't and I don't want to.  That kind of thinking is twisted in my book. I always thought life had its downs enough that I didn't need to add to them.  Seriously, isn't the goal of entertainment suppose to take us away from what's bothering us?  Not lead us into another something to bother us and put terrible images into our minds? Once it's there, it doesn't really leave, you know.  So I prefer happy thoughts to be in my mind.  I prefer good images of happy moments that made me laugh or love to rule my brain so that I don't have to feel all the anxiety of the bad side of life every second of the day.  If you notice, the really clean and funny movies do the best anyway.  Something to shoot for you horror movie makers.  Better ratings and better money is in the funny because it's universal.  If it's clean and has no cussing in it, it's even more universal.  Which means more money.  (wink, wink, nudge, nudge :) )

Oh, look, I didn't think I would have anything to say.   LOL!  I guess I needed to get some of that off of my chest.