To the Pharmaceutical Companies

It's Time For Some Breakthroughs!

Lilly Seed and White Tea

  1. Before converting The 91 Challenge Blog to The Review, I did some research that promoted the effects of the Lilly seed and white tea.  It showed, basically, that it should cure cancer.  To be more precise, I don't know whether it is the Lilly seed the flower (and if so, which of the many varieties?)  or the Lilly seed here. I would suggest, however, to start here, with the Tiger Lilly.  But I would like research and studies to be done to confirm it.  Plus, as a bonus to the pharmaceutical companies, you can put it to pill form and profit from it.  Why?  Because the average American will not eat something good for them even if their lives depend on it.  But they will take any pill a doctor says will cure them.  
  2. I am more interested in the cure than who profits from it.  There is serious money to be made here.  And you can't use the excuse that "if we cure out all the cancer patients, we wont make any more money."  Not true.  Have you SEEN America?  They don't eat healthy.  They don't live healthy.  Even if you get rid of every single case of cancer, new ones will pop up continually because people are too lazy to eat well enough for their bodies.  Convenience rules the day in America.  The almighty dollar runs them too ragged to concentrate on much anything else., especially their own health.  "That's what doctors are for," they think to themselves.  "It's not my concern.  Let the people who have gone to school for this sort of thing worry about it and do their job.  And I will go on doing my specialty I have chosen."   
  3. I am GIVING you two true money makers here to put into a pill form and study the proper dosage to cure people.  All you have to do is DO IT. I am urging you to get on the ball already!

Vitamin b17

    1. By now, we have all heard about it.  I do not remember if my research confirmed it to be associated or not.  But what problem would it pose to do proper studies on this as well and put into pill form?  Like I said above, even though people have healthy food available to them doesn't mean they will eat it.  But they WILL take a pill from the doctor.