Thursday, February 10, 2011


What is it?

From the makers: "Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting. Simply find the public streams you find most compelling and follow the conversations."

Founded in 2006, by Jack Dorsey, Twitter is a social mart of sorts.  You pick who you will "follow" and read their daily (sometimes a lot more) "tweets."  You can post links to another website or blog spot if you wish to show pictures or elaborate stories to more than is allowed by Twitter.  You are only allowed to post 140 characters per tweet for the free version.  You can buy upgrades that allow more characters per tweet. Just like all the other social webs on the world wide web, the people there tend to come from all walks of life. And like Facebook, you can get the tweets sent to your mobile. 

What makes it different from the others?

Unlike other social networking sites, the people on Twitter tend to be more adults and professionals. It is targeted information.  And I like how we don't have to tip toe around the kiddies.  I prefer more serious conversations like what's available on Twitter.  I particularly like that no one seems so "stuck up" on Twitter. Even the rich, famous, and notorious get on Twitter and speak their minds.  You know what?  If you don't like what they have to say, you don't have to follow them.  If you don't follow them then you don't have to hear what all they say all the time unless they directly intend for you to by putting your name in the tweet itself. You can also choose which tweets get sent to your mobile, meaning you only get the ones that are really important to you.  It is this author's opinion that it this reason for Twitter's huge success.  The ease and feel of the site makes using Twitter friendly and fun. 

I am on Twitter!

My name on Twitter is lottogirly.  I like to talk numbers with anyone who is interested.  Join me by clicking the link on the left.  


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